Friday, 16 August 2013

Being a Mother (Part 2)

This is not the last post there is one more to come, I just have to find the time and let's face it motivation to do it!


Birth scares most women when they are pregnant, those who tell you they were not scared are probably lying because at some point either before or during labour they are scared. I know with my first I was terrified and then with my second I was scared but I knew I could handle it. Obviously different people have different pain thresholds, I was expecting to be a wuss with my first as I find silly things painful. However, I handled both my labours beautifully and I was lucky - not everyone is. Both my labours were straight forward, I was induced due to lack of movement from both and with my last I just had gas and air. I did ask about other pain relief in my weaker moment  but never took it. With my first I didn't know a lot because I was never told and I will probably miss out a lot on here as well.

Active labour  - This is when your contractions are two minutes apart and the midwife starts counting from because those contractions you have at home or randomly spaced out - don't count! They count to you of course because they hurt like hell but you wont be going to hospital nor getting any pain relief (unless you count paracetamol) until active labour.

Pain relief - If you don't need it, good for you! However don't be afraid to ask for some, if you are stressed so is your baby. They will offer you paracetamol first, then gas and air which can make you feel sick (with my first it did but not my second) and then they go higher unless you say I want this.

The ring of fire - When your baby's head is about to pop out - you will know! They don't lie about it feeling like you are on fire... DO NOT push until you have a contraction though otherwise you will rip!

Pushing - I was lucky, my body had the urge which I couldn't control. Others are not so lucky - Listen to your midwife if you don't have an urge and don't give up because it is easy to do so sometimes.

I will do after birth on a separate post - feel free to add as every birth is different!

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