Josh and Harry at Christmas
1. Are you a stay at home mum or a working mum?
I am a working mum
2. Would you have it any other way?
When I was maternity leave I was desperate to go back to work and now I am like urgh! So either way doesn't work for me!
3. Do you co-sleep?
Yes, I wont lie about it. At one point the only time I could get sleep was when I was co-sleeping. Harry is very good though and barely sleeps in our bed now, just when we are too tired or he is poorly.
4. What is your one must have item for your baby?
Depends, are we saying what we need or want? Obviously wants are like nappies etc but I would so recommend a jumperoo - BEST thing ever. I could tidy my house whilst he went jumperoo mad! Very expensive to buy new but second hand you can get them about £30 (lucky I had mine handed down to me)
5. How many kids do you plan on having?
I would like three but if I have no more than two I will be happy!
6. Date night? How many nights per month?
7. Your child's favourite show?
Joshua - Depends on his mood, he watches anything from doc mcstuffin to power rangers! Harry - he likes anything with bright colours or loud noises!
8. Name one thing you bought before having your baby that you've never used?
Erm... I guess clothes? I am sure Harry didn't wear them all!!! I don't think we having anything else like a big item
9. Your child's favourite food?
Joshua - Sausages! Harry - Banana
10. How many cars does your family have?
One but it's big enough for our family!
11. Weight gain before, during and after pregnancy and now.
I am one of those people who hates to tell people how much I weigh now. Only a few people know my true weight. Before pregnancy I was around seven and half stones... possibly lighter at times. After - a lot heavy.
12. Dream holiday with your kids?
I will have to say Disney World, I won't deny it that I want to go as much as they would!
13. Dream holiday without your kids?
Hmmm, this is tough! I would really love to go to Germany actually!
14. How has your life change since having your baby?
Lack of money, having to be responsible so yeah its changed quite a bit.
15. Finish the sentence.. 'It melts my heart to see..'
my boys doing something that surprises me. (Example but would be Joshua who is shy at times, singing whilst we were on holiday - in front of the audience! Then Harry, when the child minder says oh he learnt this and I don't normally see it. The other day he learnt where noses were, I asked and he patted mine!)
15. Finish the sentence.. 'It melts my heart to see..'
my boys doing something that surprises me. (Example but would be Joshua who is shy at times, singing whilst we were on holiday - in front of the audience! Then Harry, when the child minder says oh he learnt this and I don't normally see it. The other day he learnt where noses were, I asked and he patted mine!)
16. Where do you shop for your kids?
Supermarkets, Tescos, George and Sainsburys.
17. Favourite make up and skincare products?
No favourites - I do wear make up
18. Huggies or Pampers?
Neither! I think they are over expensive and not the best at all! Aldi all the way!
19. Have you always wanted kids?
20. Best part about being a mum?
Knowing you made the kids and when they are polite it's because you have taught them right! Not based on what class you are, or where you are from!
I tag - Anyone.
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