Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Being a Mother (Part 4)


So now you are a Mother, you think to yourself sometimes "Oh gosh, what have I done? Will I cope? He (or she) is all mine". They are normal thoughts, every Mother goes through those thoughts and it doesn't get easy (well at least not for a while!). Being a Mother is hard work, no matter what anyone says, you "work" 24/7 forever (even when they are 18 they still come home or phone for many different reasons). So what changes?

Friends -  Some friends just give up on you because you have a new child and let's face it, you can only cope with that child and nothing else for a while. However, if they are true friends they stick with you through thick and thin.

Appearance - Well, your boobs are bigger and leak on ALL your tops no matter how many breast pads you have on. Your stomach is like jelly, it doesn't look nice at all but a pair of great sucking in pants work wonders! You have stretch marks for your boobs to your thighs and in places you thought would never get them. You barely have time to brush your teeth let alone put make up on, you stop caring about how you look and its a bonus if you don't have sick on you!

Gaining a new limb - Your child is permanently attached to you, you don't want to put them down and when you do they don't want letting go.

Pass the parcel - Everyone wants a hold of the baby, they get passed from pillar to post and don't care as you watch anxiously - having a heart attack every time you think the baby will be dropped/sat on or not supported.

Lonely - You and the baby, Baby and you, Baby day, baby baby baby. For the first few weeks you get an influx of visitors but then it dwindles out. Then it becomes incredibly lonely!

Advice? Get into a routine, don't be afraid to ask for help and sometimes take other peoples advice (within reason)

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