Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Favourite 5's

So I am still ill but a LOT better, just a really bad earache and a little weak. But hey what can I expect with burnt glands, at least I am being treated - just got to hope it works. This means I have been missing my exercising and will be for the week, so today Hollie (aka Momo over at A Touch of Magic ) came over with her Husband Chris (over at This, That and Everything Else ) and their son Oscar (too young to have a blog). It really cheered me up and made me forget the pain for a little bit. During our random discussions, we talked about how well we know each other and that we didn't know certain things. For example: I have no idea what Hollie's favourite movie is, turns out she doesn't have just one! So we talked what our favourite 5's might be so here it is.


Mulan - Disney is not just for kids, I love Disney and Mulan is my favourite. I love the characters and songs.
Anastasia - Again another cartoon movie but I love the idea that she survives and her sassy attitude
The Hunger Games - Just because it's BRILLANT
Avengers Assemble - OMG, all those MEN... plus action equals yum!
Captain America - Some people might disagree but this is my favourite. I love how a weedy kid turns to be a hero.


How I met your Mother - Bee (over at Journeys are my diary ) got me into this and I am SO glad, it's funny, sad and exciting!
Hollyoaks - It's like a sin to watch it but once I started I just couldn't stop. When you miss some it doesn't take long to get back into it
Revolution - It wont be long until its back on!!! I think it's really interesting, I can't wait for it to begin again.
New Girl - I love Jess in this, in fact all the characters make me giggle. It's a programme I can watch and relax with.
Under the Dome - Again, strange but fantastic.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - is probably my favourite out of the series, I just love all the action and twists to it.
The Hunger Games - Let's face it without 1 what would 2 and 3 be?
Tomorrow when the War began - Normally I am not into war books but after watching the movie I wanted to read the book
Breaking Dawn - I just love the last book of the Twilight Series, again this is a sin.
I heart New York - who doesn't love a romance novel? The I heart series is GREAT for that.


Galaxy Chocolate
Flying Saucers
Rainbow drops
Midget Gems

*yes SWEETS, it counts as food but just in case*

Yorkshire Puddings
Mash Potato
Chippy Chips


Tom Welling - Only reason is he's HOT ok and I love the way he acts
Robert Downy Jr - FANTASTIC actor
Josh Hutcherson - I thought he was a good actor but when he joined hunger games I liked him more
Adam Sandler - I don't care what people say I think he's funny
I am torn between the Hemsworth brothers, so I will say Chris because otherwise it will be ALL hunger games ;)


Rachel Weisz - first female crush (not in a sexual way)
Jennifer Lawerence - Geeze that girl can act!
Dame Maggie Smith - I think she is gooddddddd especially as McGonagall
Alyson Hannigan - So funny, love her in HIMYM
Selena Gomez - my favourite is her in Wizards of Waverly Place, she is quite a good actress in my eyes

1 comment:

  1. Lmao!! I love your food choices...was the others an after thought because you felt bad for putting all sweets?? I'm going to get writing mine now ;) xx
